This fast growing community provides a balance between active lives and quiet streets is this tightly knitted, well kept community.

Laurelwood homes range from townhouses to single detached and even assisted living for seniors. With close proximity to Laurel Creek Conservation Area you can enjoy the outdoors year round with its lakes, trails, campsites and wildlife. The residents of Laurelwood love to participate in their community holding carnivals, outdoor movie nights, youth nights, easter egg hunts and these are to just name a few.
If top young education is something you need Laurelwood boasts some of the top rated elementary schools in the district and the Public library close by can help offer you and your family the abundance of knowledge you need! If you're looking to enjoy a safe,active and friendly family neighbourhood this may be the ideal place to call home.


Schools: Abraham Erb P.S. (JK-6)
710 Laurelwood Dr, Waterloo

Laurelwood P.S. (8)
460 Brentcliffe Dr, Waterloo

Sir John A Macdonald S.S. (9-12)
650 Laurelwood Dr, Waterloo

Sir Nicholas Catholic (JK-8)
525 Laurelwood Dr, Waterloo

Schools listed are of those within this specific neighbourhood's boundaries. Please contact your local school board to see which school your child will attend.


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